Friday, May 13, 2011

Music Genome Project

1. Upload your movie to your blog. [If you have trouble with this, check to see that you exported it in the correct format. You can also upload it to YouTube and embed it into your posting to save time.]

2. A) Identify your chosen musical genre & B) say why you chose it.
 I chose Celtic Rock/Punk because I knew one or two artists and my first couple choices were taken.
3. Describe your did you go about finding your songs and information?
 I looked up the bands I knew on Wikipedia and then searched "Celtic Rock Bands" and I got a large list of bands.

4. What different kinds of technology did you use to compile your project? [Web tools, Mac tools, etc...]
I used Google and Wikipedia, Garage Band and iMovie, and YouTube and Zamzar.

5. What are you good at...what went well for you in this project?
 I think iMovie went well because I've experimented with it before so I already knew what I was doing.

6. With what did you struggle on this project...what was difficult for you?
The hardest part of the project was just getting to work on it. I kept getting distracted so I wasn't getting as much work done as quickly.

7. Did you decide to use still slides? Why or why not?  [If not, how did you convey your information?
I did not use still slides because I liked the samples Ms. Perino showed us that had a lot of movie clips in it. I also liked how even when it was a picture, it was still moving with the ken burns effect.

8. For what other classes, situations, uses could this type of project be adapted? 
This project could be used for any class that you have to make a movie/presentation in. You could record your voice and mix music in the background and then put it in iMovie to play in the background of your information.

9. What new techniques or technology tools did you use in this project that you've never used before?  Be specific.
 I used garageband for the first time but found out it really isn't too hard or different from other programs like iMovie.

10. How did your project use the transformative property of borrowed images, music, and information to comply with the Copyright Law of 1976?[...not just that you cited the information, etc., but how did you transform the music, information, images, etc.?
 I got movie and audio files and merged them together to form a completly different thing. I also photoshopped some of my images to make them a little different and more compatible.

11. Would you do another project like this on your own? Why? Why not?
Yes, I actually already did but without the movie part. I had several songs by one artist and thought it would be cool to merge them and make one really long song.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

1. Upload your movie to your blog or embed it from YouTube.

A. To what degree did you work toward team goals? (Please explain your answer) 
Superior, Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Needs Improvement
I think my work effort would be classified as excellent because I put together most of the movie.
B. What specific tasks and duties did you perform as a member of this team?
I helped write the script and I put together our movie.

C. To what degree did you offer your gifts, talents, and time as a member of the team? 
(Please explain your answer)
Superior, Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Needs Improvement
I think I was excellent for offering my gifts, talents, and time to the team because I used a lot of my talent in iMovie and in computers in general well but I don't think I put out as much time as I could have.

D. To what degree did you take action as a member of the team?
(Please explain your answer)
Leader, Very Active, Somewhat Active, Had to Be Told What to Do
I think that I would be considered Very Active because I did everything I was told and helped move the project along but I think Anthony Deceanne was probably the teams biggest leader because he was always staying on top of things.

E. What makes you most proud about your movie and why?
I'm proud because its got different elements in it that make it unique, such as part of it where we rewound a clip so it would take up more time and when we used picture on picture.
F. If you were going to make any changes to your movie, what would they be
If I could make any changes I would rerecord some parts with my voice. I didn't like how they sounded in the end product. :/

Thursday, April 14, 2011

1. Upload your slideshow as a movie to your blog posting. [If you have trouble with this, check to see that you exported it in the correct format. If it is still too big, re-export in a smaller format. You may also choose to upload it to YouTube and embed it on your blog.]

2. What tools and techniques did you use to create your podcast?
I used garage band to create my podcast and I got my pictures from the Blues Brothers DVD and my music from YouTube.
3.  How could you use a project like this in other classes?
If I need to make a summary of an event in history or something similar, I could make a podcast of it.

4.  In the “real world,” how could podcast projects be used (In what careers/businesses, etc.)?
Podcasts could be used to present something at a meeting or if you were the owner of a business and needed to send a memo around to your staff, you could put it into a podcast and send it to them in an email. 

5.  In this project, what did you get good at doing?
During this project I learned ways to get around DVD protections. When I played the Blues Brothers DVD in DVD Player, it wouldn't let me take screenshots because it was protected. I then found out that I can play it in VLC, a different media player, and I can take screenshots in it.
6. What was the most difficult part of the assignment?
The most difficult part of this project was matching my voice and pictures together.

7. How did your project use the transformative property of borrowed images, music, and information to comply with the Copyright Law of 1976?
[...not just that you cited the information - citing is not enough...tell me how you transformed what you've taken into something new, etc., How did you transform the music, information, images, etc.?
I took a video from YouTube and just used some of the audio from it. I also got a couple pictures from Google and photo shopped them to make them more compatible.

8.  Would you do a project like this on your own? 
I don't think I would have thought to do it before but now that I know how I think it might be fun to try sometime.

9. If you were going to make any changes/improvements on your podcast what would it/they be?  ...and why?
I would make it longer and rerecord some parts mostly because I thought it ran a little short and I didn't like how my voice sounded in some places.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

IPhoto Project Review

1. Upload your slideshow as a movie to your blog posting.


2. List the search terms (words) that you used to find images (for the letters of your name and the images that describe you) and why?
Swing side view, stone archways, window, dining candle, twisted slide, and several others. The reason I searched these is because I thought out what I wanted to use for each letter and then I would search things that would work as that letter.

3. What skills did you use/learn in this project?

I learned how to use IPhoto to make a slideshow, and I used my photoshop skills to resize
and touch up some images.

4. Describe how you might use these skills and apply them to a real-world situation.
If I went on a vacation somewhere and I wanted to show everyone my pictures when I came back, all I would need to do is put them together and add a song and its done.

5. This was a more creative project than our first 2. Did you prefer it or the more cut and dry assignments in Word and Excel?
I definetly enjoyed this a lot more then the cut and dry ones because it lets people show their personalities and interests.

6. How did your project use the transformative property of borrowed images, music, and information to comply with the Copyright Law of 1976? [...not just that you cited the information - citing is not enough...tell me how you transformed what you've taken into something new, etc., How did you transform the music, information, images, etc.?
I cropped a lot of images and did some touch ups on others to transform them into something different than the original product.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Charity Letter

For tech apps, I had to write a business charity letter and merge it with a contact list from excel so here's the followup questions on it.

1. Take a screenshot of your charity letter and add it as a picture to your blog posting.

2. List the name of your business and its charity.
My business was Caterpillar and it's charity was the YWCA.

3. How did you get the audience’s attention in the first paragraph?
My approach to getting the audience's attention was to come straight out and state the facts and tell them what I'm asking from them.

4. What skills did you use/learn in this project?
I learned how to use Microsoft Excel a little bit better, and most importantly, I learned how to merge business letters with contact lists.

5. What was the easiest part of this project? What was the most difficult part of this project?
The easiest part of this project was probably making my contact list. The hardest part was coming up with a charity and writing the letter.

6. Describe how you might use these skills and apply them to a real-world situation other than writing a charity letter.

 If I'm ever working for a business and I need to send out a letter to several people, this is a quick easy way to address them all at once instead of making a document for each person. Another case would maybe be if I'm inviting people to a gathering for a birthday or something, and I want to make each letter addressed to each guest, all I have to do is merge them and I'm done.

7. Did you learn something new during this project that you did not know before?  If so, what? 

Yes, I learned how to merge letters and how to change the template on Excel so it's in an address book format.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

About Me

I would like to learn how to use PhotoShop and other programs that I've never opened and are currently taking up space on my mac. I think that communicating with me about grades is best done through email
I think this picture represents me because I like ties and I have a lot of them in my locker.